Monday, September 20, 2010

I've Picked Up a Stalker

I have to vent for a minute.  I've said it before (ok, maybe not here, but I've said it, trust me), people and their narrow minds never cease to amaze me.

Men, in case you're wondering, just because a woman is 40 doesn't mean she can't "breed."  Remember the saying when we were stupid teens, "if she can bleed, she can breed!"?  Well, it still applies, idiot. 

Get ready for a string of cliches:  age is just a number;  you're only as old as you feel; 40 is the new 30; once you go black, you'll never go back (OK, I threw that one in there to see if you were paying attention...), but you get the picture, right?

I am smart, successful, funny, sexy, caring, giving, and I'm 40.  If you're into me, my age won't matter...and if I'm into you, your age won't matter, either.

OK, I feel better now.  I had to get that off my chest.  Now, onto the stalker.

So I've bitched for a while that I never meet any hot guys at the gym.  I'm at the gym A LOT.  I go there to work out, not for a fashion show and not to pick up guys, but I always thought it would be CONVENIENT if I met a guy who happened to have one of my interests - staying fit.

You know what they say, be careful what you wish for...well I've picked up a stalker - Cyrus.  Cyrus seems nice, but I think he may be a bit of a water head.

He works out a lot and seems to be in pretty good shape.  He's always sweating profusely and wears a headband to keep the sweat from dripping into his eyes...(pause for the visual).  He talked to me a few weeks ago, which I thought deserved props because most guys don't have the balls to talk to me; not sure why.  Anyway, we chatted, I left and didn't think much of it.

Now, Cyrus makes a point to loiter around the gym before my kickboxing class, pretending to stretch out, attempting to chat me up, telling me that he's been to the gym twice that day so he can get in shape like me...(pause for the bullshit). 

I will never claim to be in fabulous shape.  I'm fit and I'm healthy, but I've got a few to lose and I'm OK with that fact.  Cyrus was very sweet to attempt to bullshit me on that level, but come on!

Now he appears out of no where when I'm walking through the middle of the gym and taps me on the shoulder while I'm talking to other girls.  It's kind of creeping me out and I'd like it to stop, please.  I want to be able to go to the gym and ignore people in peace. Thanks.

See how we girls are?  We're never satisfied, are we?  Someone is interested in us, we're not interested in them.  We're interested in someone, they aren't interested in us.  It's a fucking mess, I tell you!

Peace out!

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