Friday, January 25, 2013

The Unemployment Chronicles ... is it Friday yet?

Yes, it's Friday and no, I didn't hear about the job. DAMNIT!

Those of you who know me know that if I want something, I do my best to MAKE IT HAPPEN (case in point: Professor Dan). So, I sent an e-mail today to the lady who interviewed me asking for the job and giving her 5 reasons why she should hire me. I also sent an e-mail last Friday to one of the other ladies who interviewed me giving her some ideas about a chart she was creating. If these efforts don't work, I'm not meant to get this job!

I also decided to start paying it forward this morning with random acts of kindness. The surest way to feel good about life is to make others happy (that, and win the lottery, but I digress ...). I'm hoping it starts a boomerang effect in my life - we'll see!

I wrote a bunch of nice, encouraging notes and signed them "Paying it forward." I left a couple on cars in parking lots and stuck a couple into lockers at the gym. When I got back to my locker, someone who got my note decided to "pay it forward" with my note and gave it back to me. :) At least I inspired an act of kindness, huh? It's crazy, but I was freaked out that people were going to think I was vandalizing cars, so I didn't leave as many on cars as I'd planned to.

Random story that has nothing to do with anything: I was pulling into the gym yesterday morning and noticed a tall, scraggly looking guy walking out of HyVee carrying nothing but a box of Brillo pads. Normally, I wouldn't think twice about this, but when I was married to the crack head back in 90's I learned the hard way that Brillo pads are used to line crack pipes! Someone was gonna get weightless! Or, maybe he was going to "clean the brake lines" on the 4-wheeler like my ex-husband claimed he was doing ... whatever.

That's all I've got for now. Keep on keepin' on, friends. :)

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like we had the same :) Hard to get those little pieces outta the carpet too!
    Now there are some pratical tips for some poor trusting soul! You're doin the Lords work-
