Monday, January 10, 2011

Detox Day 1 - or "The day my brain went dead."

I woke up this morning, excited and motivated to flush the toxins and crap out of my system.  Today was day #1 of my 10-day fruit and veggie detox.  I'm not just going to detox and then go back to eating constant crap again.  I'm using this as a springboard into healthier habits in 2011.  Sounds like every other resolution, huh? 

Food wise, I have no complaints, other than I'm already tired of the taste of potatoes (bad news).  But I do have BIG complaints about the fact that I can't have caffeine - namely coffee - for 10 days!  Fucking hell shoot me!!

I never realized how much my body / brain relied on caffeine to function until I hit three reeeallly deep ruts today. 

Around 9:52 am I was about to cut a bitch with my envelope opener....that's all I'm sayin'.  All I wanted was coffee with cream.  Give it to me and no one gets hurt.  I fought through that urge by walking through the kitchen and smelling coffee (yes...smelling coffee), and drinking some really crappy peach detox tea.  By 11ish, that urge had passed.

Then, around 2pm, the dull, numbness of a lack of synapses in my brain began.  I was having a hard time staying awake and I may have drop kicked a cute puppy at that point.  I was tired of chewing gum, tired of my fruity decaf teas and tired of the taste of vegetables, so I did what any girl with an eating disorder would do - I licked a piece of cinnamon candy.  I didn't suck on it or swallow it (sorry boys), I just licked it for the shear pleasure of a cinnamon taste in my mouth...sad, but true.  I've got all of the issues, yet none of the protruding hip bones to prove it.

Later, when I got home from work and walked the dogs, I sat down to check Facebook and proceeded to fall asleep sitting straight up on the couch.  Computer on the lap, mouth open, possible drool - I'm not saying there was, I'm not saying there wasn't.   I decided to go ahead and nap it out for a half an hour, but honestly, it's 7:40 pm and I could easily go to bed right now and sleep till my 5am alarm.  Noooo problem.

I have high hopes that tomorrow won't be as bad...please don't let it be as bad...

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