Tuesday, October 26, 2010


Tonight, don't expect a poignant message or enlightening words of wisdom.  I'm blogging because I feel it's necessary to stay in front of the seven people who've decided to "Follow" me. I mean come on! Seven lives hang on my every blog!

Now, these seven people may decide that my message is one of great bearing and may decide to bear witness to my illustriousness...or not...regardless, I'm telling a story.  Like to hear it?  Here it goes! (channeling my Calhoun Tubbs...).

As many of you may know, I occasionally stir up the shit.  Well, maybe that's not the right way to put it - I just don't take much shit - that's a more accurate statement.  Like flipping off the teenage punks a couple of weeks ago.  Childish - yes.  Fun  - definitely.

Well, this morning while driving to work my co-pilot and I (Yes, I carpool.  Mainly so I can drive in the fast lane, but also because I'm a tree-hugger.) witnessed a bout of road rage. 

Admittedly, I'm not a fan of people merging in front of me, but if they will drive fast enough to get in front of me and continue at that speed so that I don't have to reduce MY speed, it's all good.  Merge on, merger.   Well, the idiot in the yellow truck this morning decided he'd much rather show the 87th Street on ramp how much of a douche bag he is instead of let the car merge in and enter the highway in front of him.  He accomplished this task by tailgating the car in front of him and practically forcing the attempting-to-merge car off the road.

The "A-T-M" driver took it much better than I would have.  They entered the highway and ended up in front of Pee-Pee Truck anyway.  I was one car behind "A-T-M," so I had full-frontal view of the action as it went down.  When I passed Mr. Fancy Yellow Truck, he apparently thought I was the driver of said "A-T-M" car because he flipped me off!  I didn't see it (my eyes were on the road, thank you), so my co-pilot suffered the wrath of Tweety Bird. 

Needless to say, we had a good laugh while I secretly wished that he'd spill coffee on himself or choke on his powder donut.  Let's be honest, though, anyone who is that angry at 6:30 am isnt going to have a good day - period.  My bad juju wishes just added to the bad karma he racked up while showing his ass. 

The moral to this story, kiddies - if you're man enough to drive a yellow truck, don't drive it like a pussy.   :)

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