Saturday, February 2, 2013

The Unemployment Chronicles - Saturday Motivation

It's Groundhog Day and yes, this day feels like I've lived it 1000 times, yet it's only 9:36 am. "...I got chu babe ...."

I am surprised that I haven't really freaked out about my "job situation" yet. In my heart, I believe that everything will work out and I'll find a good, fulfilling job. I'm not willing to just take whatever's thrown at me. It's important that I continue to further my career and not just settle. The pole isn't looking good ... yet. :)

I assume that I didn't get the job I'd interviewed for since I never heard back. I thought I'd at least get an e-mail letting me know they'd decided to go in a different direction, but I guess not. I know that I tried my best, followed up, sent reasons why they should hire me, etc. If none of that worked, it wasn't meant to be and obsessing over it won't change anything.

I was thinking this morning about all of the little things that I miss about having a job. Mostly it's the freedom of spending money knowing that I'll have more later. I miss little things like going to a coffee shop and buying a nice cup of coffee and going out to eat whenever I want (example: Mexican food. I would seriously blow a hobo for some Salsa Grill right about now ...).

I miss filling up my car vs. putting in a few gallons to get by until prices go back down. I miss meeting my friends out for a drink without feeling like a leech getting free drinks. I also miss using my brain. I miss having conversations with people, not just my dogs. I don't feel useful right now and that's a frustrating feeling.

Basically, I'm not very good at being idle. What is it they say about idle hands, that the "devil finds work" for them? Well bring it on Wicked One, I'm bored!  I'm kidding. I'll never get that bored.

(So that you guys understand the process behind my blog "magic," I literally just spent 5 minutes researching "idle hands" quotes and "satan nicknames." At least I wasn't looking for images this time. Oprah only knows what would have popped up!)

I did find a really good quote, though, from one of my faves, Buddah. "To be idle is a short road to death and to be diligent is a way of life; foolish people are idle, wise people are diligent." 

I believe that diligent is one of 5 good words that describe me well. (I'll let you all come up with the other 4, and bitch had better not be one of them!). There hasn't been anything thrown at me yet that's kept me down so watch me get back up and kick some serious ass!

Remember, "Success comes in cans; failure in can'ts." It's time for my CAN of whoop ass to be opened! OK, I think I've sufficiently motivated myself for now. Time for a shower.


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