Sunday, February 17, 2013

It's Warm-Fuzzy Time ...

I had a much needed GNO last night which involved a couple of beers, a lot of people watching and some kick ass music!  

People watching is the best! I saw a couple of girls who were definitely going to end up bent over a bed later and/or bent over a toilet, depending on which came first. But, I digress ...

One of the girls I was out with I've known for years, but we'd never really been close. I really dig her, but I realized that I didn't know a lot about her. After our conversation last night, I vow to do a better job "knowing" my friends.

I found out that she, too, had lost her job in the past and had actually been out of work for a year and half. She understood what I was going through and gave me some great advice and encouraging words. There's something comforting in commiserating with people who've had the same experiences. It makes you feel like a little less of a loser and restores your hope that this will all work out for the best.

She suggested that I watch J.K. Rowling's Harvard commencement speech from 2008. She mentioned that the speech had a great message about finding the positive in failure and making the most out of what life dishes out. Because, let's face it, we all experience failures, some larger than others. We are defined not by our failures, but by how we bounce back and move on.

I'd like to share this with you all and hope that you'll take some time to watch it. Her message definitely touched me based on what I'm currently going through, but it's one that I feel should touch and inspire all of us in one way or another.

Peace and love, friends. And thanks, Debbie!

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