Thursday, July 28, 2011

Rollin' in the Deep

This shitty month has finally come to an end...well almost.  Tomorrow I will kick two finals in their imaginary junk, sign a lease on an overpriced, yet very cool apartment, and end the eve with a frosty adult beverage - maybe.

With said frosty beverage in my hand, I may sit out on my deck and enjoy the view of the trees, the sounds of the jerks from surrounding neighborhoods who squat in my pool and make a ton of noise, and wait for Hot Dad to cruise by on his hog.

I may decide to finally muster up the cojones to hand my digits to Hot Dad and tell him I'm still waiting for that ride...either on the hog or his face.  Preferrably both.  I mean seriously, what do I have to lose?  I'm moving from this hellish suburbia on Sunday.  The worst thing that could happen would be that he looks at me like I've got a turd growing out of my head and tells me to kick rocks.  But let's be honest...that's not gonna happen.  :)

To be perfectly honest, I've already decided what I'm going to do. (Insert horn fanfare or psycho music. Whichever you see fit...). 

I'm going to write him a note on my personalized note paper (so he has my last name and doesn't get me confused with all of the other Spiffys in JoCo).  I'm going to draw a picture of him and me on his Harley with the wind flowing through my hair (he's bald).  I'm going to draw a little thought bubble coming from my head that says something like "Wheeeeee!" or "Wow.  My hands are really close to his penis," or something equally as hot and enticing. 

I'll tell him that peeking through my blinds at him has been the best part of living in this overpriced box and that he should call me so I don't go into withdrawals.  I'm going to stick the note under his garage door so he'll get it when he heads out on his next ride and VOILA!  I'll surely receive a restraining order in the mail the following week.  Or maybe I won't. :)

Hopefully there will be another Hot Dad or, even better, Hot Single Musician living at my new place so I can continue honing my stalking skills.  One day someone will appreciate my admiration and I won't even have to boil a rabbit.


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