Sunday, April 17, 2011

For wasn't me...

I have some really great friends who live all over the place: Cali, Connecticut, Ohio, some other states out east, some other states out west, Atlanta, Florida, yadda yadda, north of the river in MO, and how can I forget - Gardner, Kansas.

My friends in Gardner like to throw parties.  Give them the slightest reason and it's a firepit and SoCo shots all around!  Whoo!  Oh, and don't forget the beer pong...gotta have the beer pong.

Most of the time I end up shit faced and showing my boobs or making some sort of ass out of myself at the "G-Town" parties.  Case in point:  New Years Eve 2008 into 2009.  Spiffy was invited to a party and had never before met the hosts.  The theme to the party - Beer from Around the World.

Everyone brought beer from around the world and each hour, everyone got to slam one beer from around the world.  This, on top of the concoction I've now labeled "Pink Death," aka vodka and pink lemonade. 

Needless to say, Spiffy was slurry and blurry waaaay before midnight.  My fellow "Obama Gal" Val and I got into a very intelligent political argument with the Republican party host (I'm sure we supported our point of view with both penetrating and factual pieces of information.  I'm just sure of it...).

After said debate, or "scream fest," someone must have dared me to show my boobs.  I don't remember exactly how it happened, but it was probably, "Hey (insert Spiffy's name), show yer tits!"  Apparently after many trips around the world and at least 32 oz. of Pink Death, showing my tits was a good idea, so I did.  And cameras were there to capture the magic!  Yeah!

On a positive note, I did receive efficacious praise regarding how "nice my tits" were, so I had that going for me...

Make your point, Spiff...OK, so my point is this.  I usually make an ass out of myself at G-Town parties, but last night, I DIDN'T!   It wasn't me who went around the party showing off her girly bits.  It wasn't me who went a little kooky and started blessing the crowd with her "vagina water."  It wasn't me who chased people around the fire trying to throw said "vagina water" on them.  It wasn't me...

As I tell this story, I'm still slightly hung over, but I'm laughing at all of the fun we had last night.  I love my friends.  They are crazy and funny and I wouldn't have it any other way.  And also, because I'm pretty sure I'll make an ass out of myself at one of the parties soon, so I'm pointing fingers while I can. :)

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