Saturday, July 21, 2012

When life gives you lemons ...

So, I got dumped this week.  Out of the blue, what the fuck are you talking about, dumped. 

If you've been following me for at least the past six months you know that I've been dating who I thought was the last guy I'd ever date. I was locked in and committed to this relationship.  Now, it wasn't a perfect relationship, but I don't believe there is such a thing. Every relationship has it's ups and downs, but I thought we loved each other enough to work through the downs.  Apparently I was wrong.

Although I'm angry, heartbroken and confused, I'm not going to trash him in my blog.  I'm a bigger person and I'm working on fixing some karma that I apparently fucked up somewhere down the line. I will say just this one thing: it's fucking ridiculous that he didn't have the decency to have a face-to-face conversation with me about how we could work through this and save our relationship. He ultimately told me in a text message that he "didn't think he'd ever be enough for me and that I'd be better off without him." Chicken shit way out and I don't believe it.  There's something he didn't want to tell me that would have come out face to face ... but I digress.

Thankfully, I've gone through enough heart break in my life that I've learned some good coping mechanisms. In between crying outbursts I work out, bitch to my friends (hello friends), drink cheap wine and kiss my dogs. It's a process and I'm on "official" day two.  I'll let you know how I'm feeling on day seven. :)

I'm not ready to start dating again. The thought of it exhausts me, but the thought of being an old maid sitting around alone, relying on my vibrator for orgasms scares the shit out of me.  I'll let my heart mend for a few and then give it a try again.  He may have knocked me down for a minute, but he didn't knock me out. 

Lemonade anyone??


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