Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Lessons learned and miscellaneous Jibber-jabber

So, you all should know that while I was driving home tonight, I saw Hot Dad driving down the highway next to me!  Yep, he was alive and since he was driving, he obviously hadn't lost his hands, so that couldn't be the reason why he never called me. ;)  I think I'll chalk that one up to fate since I'm much better off with my guy, who also happens to be a hot dad. :)

Since I haven't been able to do much in the way of entertaining the blogosphere lately, I thought I'd make a concerted effort to learn something new every day and share it with the world ... I have a few days of catching up to do, so here's what I've learned lately:

- Blue fingernails are fun until one breaks off and leaves your hand looking mishapen and nubbish (see below for proof).

- People in motor cycle clubs are not supposed to wear their patches into restaurants or bar establishments. Doing so could result in a fist to the face or foot up the ass.

- The longer you're in a relationship, the easier it is to justify leaving the house looking like a homeless crack whore: jammie pants, t-shirt / no bra, no make-up, hair disheveled ... you get the picture. I justified my bedraggled look because I was going to get a spray tan, which leads me to the next lesson...

- Versa Spa tans are awesome and don't leave you stinking like cold, wet french fries. Try it! (Note: Spiffy Chick did not get paid for this endorsement, but she'd gladly accept free tans. Thank you).

- Sometimes men have PMS worse than women. All of the bitching and none of the bloating. 

- As much as I love babies, stick me in a room with screaming kids for five minutes and my ovaries revolt.

- Sometimes my dogs really piss me off, but when I'm away from them for more than two days, I miss their stinky, snoring, chubby asses horribly!

- There are few things more amazing than hearing a lion carol or a tiger growl in person. It gives you the chills!

And, the final lesson I've learned lately is that there is always something new to learn. Once you think you know it all, you cease to be bewildered by all that life has to teach you. I refuse to let that happen to me!

Until tomorrow, my pretties ... tell me what you've learned lately!

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