I went to bed last night and neglected to turn the world on with my smile...or in this case, my blog.
Here's my dilemma - I waded in the shallow end if you will and threw down an NC-17 blog the other day. I used the word “cock ring” and “vibrator” in the same blog. Some people were shocked, others secretly titillated, others openly titillated. Heck, there’s probably one or two of you right now who are either getting a slight chubby at my use of the word titillate (now three times) or giggling because it’s a funny word. Personally, I’m a giggler.
I think there may be some high expectations out there for me to keep it on the A-Train to Nastyville, but I don't think I'm going to take it there tonight. After all, it’s Thursday and while I’m not a religious person, I believe next Thursday is Maundy Thursday and I don’t want to piss any Catholics off exactly one week before a religious holiday.
Instead, tonight I’ll pay homage to one of my dear friends by mentioning nice things about her and why I’m glad she’s a part of my life (awwww….). Now don’t get all pissy if you don’t see your name this time. I’ll try to say something nice about you soon. Or maybe something not so nice, but you’ll be mentioned, so chill!
I kid…
My friend Courtney is hands-down the kindest person that I know. The great thing about her kindness is that she’s kind to EVERYONE. Seriously. She always asks if I want anything from the cafeteria when she goes there for lunch, she’s always got a positive attitude, and she’s been my sounding board and shoulder to cry on when I was at my lowest. She makes me laugh and most importantly, as I discovered today, she has the rhythm of a one-legged drunk and doesn’t care! Everyone send her positive vibes – she’s training for her first 5k! Go, Courtney, go!! I only hope that I bring as much to your life as you bring to mine. xoxo
OK, that’s enough of “Sappy Spiffy” for one night. Titillate. :)
I heart Courtney too!
PS - I'm soooo glad she's in my dance group!