Sunday, April 10, 2011

No more slackin' off!

When I started this blog I was going to make a determined effort to write once a week.  That hasn't happened.  I find myself battling bouts of writers block partnered with, "Ooh...I can't write that.  (Insert person name) will know I'm writing about them..."  Basically I've been cock-blocking myself.  Which is odd because, well...I don't have a cock. 

Today is a new day, and along with new days come new beginnings, and with new beginnings come new promises which then lead to new lies... Its a vicious, shitty cycle.  Anywhooo, here it goes - I promise to write a blog a day for the next thirty days.  And we all know that like all good people in the sales profession, Spiffy would never make a promise she truly doesn't intend to keep...

Here's my question for you - do you believe in the need for a rebound "relationship"?  I personally never felt the need for a rebound.  I needed to take some time off and rebuild myself - yes, but I didn't need to suck some poor sap dry of his self-esteem while rebuilding my own. 

Now, with that stated, if you're both on the same page and accept that your temporary meeting of minds and body parts won't lead to anything beyond the bedroom, then go for it.  Hump, bump, and pump away! 

On the other hand, is it healthy to jump right from one relationship to another without either "rebounding" or just being single for a while?  I know a few people who've jumped right from one to another (some while still in current relationships - yes I'm talking to you...) and are still in those relationships. They seem to be happy, so who am I to judge, right?  My name ain't Judy and I don't have a gavel!

To rebound or not to rebound - that is the question...let me know what you think! 


  1. At what point is the next person you date not considered a rebound? Are they all rebounds?

  2. You're so wise, Alyssa...I knew there was a reason I loved you! :) You're like Yoda, except much hotter and kind of a tree hugger. :)
