Hello, friends! Let's catch up on the last month, shall we?
First of all, I'm still unemployed, but I'm much closer to jumping off of the government teat, so that's a good thing! ;)
There is one job in particular that I really, really, really want and should hear about this week. I've seriously done everything that I can to get this job: I studied HARD CORE for the interview and feel like it went really well, I followed up, and even hand-delivered cupcakes with a note. If they don't appreciate my efforts, then I guess it's just not meant to be and I'll have to accept that.
Seriously, I've prepared for and studied so much that I should write a book about how to prepare for and interview for a job. Except that I haven't gotten a job yet so there's that ...
Next up, my abysmal dating life. I went out on three dates with a guy, recently, but there was quite obviously not a love connection, so I decided not to waste either of our precious time. He was very nice and smart and somewhat interesting, but I don't think he was interested in ME.
I learned a lot about him because he spoke incessantly about his job and his life, but really never asked any questions about me. I offered up information because I felt he should know who he was hanging out with, but he never asked for more. The last time we went out, I purposely quit asking questions to fill the air just to see if he would. We sat in silence and people watched for an hour. It's OK. He was REALLY skinny and I'm pretty sure I would have broken him if it ever came down to sexy time, anyway.
There was another guy who I thought that I may be interested in, but then he called me and after five minutes on the phone, I wrote it off. Hard core, huh? All it took was him telling me that he was scared to travel outside of the country because of "what's going on in the world right now" for me to write him off. Pussy.
Then there was a third guy who called me and within one minute of ever speaking with him, asked me why I hadn't had kids. Next! Let's face it; I'm not ready to date right now, anyway.
Finally, I have some heartwarming news which I feel I can share. I found out today that my dad has a girlfriend! He told me that he doesn't care if people know, so I feel comfortable writing about it.
My step mom has been gone for three years and I wondered whether my dad would ever open up his heart again and meet someone. She was the love of his life and always will be; but being the silver fox that he is, the ladies couldn't stay off his jock! OK, that's a little extreme, but he did meet a nice lady (or she sounds like she's nice) and he's happy.
They are planning a trip and he's going to fly! My dad is terrified of heights and I've never known him to fly, so this must really be a big deal. I cried when he told me it made me so happy!
Here's to a great week full of great news!
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