Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Pretty in Pink ... Isn't sheeee....

Yes, I'm still unemployed, but I've decided that I'm not going to dwell on it or write much about it tonight. I've had a couple of good interviews and the law of numbers tells me that something will fall into place soon (at least that's what I learned in my first sales position).

I am amazed at how relaxed I've felt lately. I seriously could get used to not working (as long as I had money, of course). I don't miss the stress and bullshit of the corporate world and am thinking seriously about getting out of it. One of the jobs I interviewed for would be out of the "hustle and bustle" and I hope they liked me enough to offer me the position. I think a change is in order.

I'm not naive enough to believe that I won't have stress at any job, but I promise I'll never again work for a company that considers it a sport to yell at and berate their employees. Mark my words.

So, onto the fun stuff. It's no secret that I dabble in the world of online dating from time to time. Well, to be honest, lately it's just been a lot of messages and no effort on the guy's part to actually meet me, so there has been more dabbling than "dating."

Truly, I don't know why I still do it because I seem to only meet people with commitment issues or admitted STDs. Those of you who know me know that I don't give up easily, so I think that it's become a sport to me to prove that busy NORMAL people actually can meet online. Well, I've had a new issue thrown at me - cross dressing.

I met "George" a few months ago (honestly, I don't remember his name). We chatted and started texting and playing Words with Friends. I was really busy getting ready to move, so we decided that we'd meet once I got settled. Well, once I got settled and was ready to meet, he decided that I lived too far away (whatever) so we quit talking.

He recently sent me a message but I couldn't figure out who it was from because his profile pic had changed (see the shock and horror below):

This would indicate to me that he takes cross dressing seriously. I mean look at the amount of eyeliner for fuck's sake! He's not fucking around! And the pink wig? I can only imagine the nipple shot if he'd decided to pan down ... ugh.

So, needless to say, I didn't respond to his message, nor have I asked him WHAT THE FUCK? I'm pretty open minded, but I don't want to date a guy who wears more makeup than me - PERIOD.

People, I swear, I don't make this shit up.

Peace out.

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