True to my word, it's time for me to share some of my newly acquired "Spiffy wisdom."
Today was an average day. A day like most others, except that today, I learned the symptoms of syphillis. You may have two questions: 1) why wouldn't you already know this and, 2) why in the hell do you need to know the symptoms of syphillis?!?
Allow me to address your questions first: 1) I've never worried about contracting syphillis as I'm not a sailor, nor am I a scoundrel (while I do cuss and act like one occasionally). 2) While perusing the news today, I came across an article about syphillis and how it's soon becoming an untreatable STD as it's adapting to all different antibiotics. It's becoming the SUPER STD! Flying through your bloodstream with the greatest of ease. It's a sore! It's a rash! It's blindness, nerve damage and mental disorders!
This article lead to a discussion regarding which STD could cause body parts to fall off as one of my co-workers swears she heard about a guy losing his nose from a rogue, un-treated STD. I still haven't figured that one out, so if any of you have an answer to that, let me know!
The second thing I've learned (which I've actually known for a while, but I'm reminded of it each time I pack for a work trip) is that I want to get one of those cool, hard-cased, carry-on size roller bags. Maybe I could get one with a skull and cross-bones on the outside; that would be FANTASTIC! Any suggestions?
Until next time ...
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