Have you ever had the feeling that life is sitting on your chest, pinning you down and punching you in the face with your own fists, taunting, "why are you hitting yourself??" I've felt like that for a while now, but I think things are finally turning around!
I mentioned last week that I had a secret and I announced it on FB earlier in the week, but I want to talk about it here, too. I got a new job!
You remember when you were a kid and you dreamed about what you would be when you grew up? Well, all I ever dreamed about being was an MTV VJ. I wanted to be the next Nina Blackwood. I had the hair in the 80's and I smoked enough back then that I could have had her voice in no time flat.
When I realized that was highly unlikely, I then decided I'd take it down a notch and focus on being a DJ on a rock station. I mean, come on. DJ's get to meet all of the rock stars and just sit around and play music all day, right?
So I dropped $3k on the Columbia School of Broadcasting and took a correspondence course, learning important skills like how to properly pronounce Moscow (it's moss-ko, not moss-cow), and how not to pop my "ps" (I still haven't figured that one out), but you get the picture. All really, really important skills ...
Needless to say, that pipe dream went nowhere, and a new dream soon took hold of my heart: I wanted to work for an advertising agency. Unfortunately, I realized this dream in my early 30s, way too late in life to start over as an intern and work my way up. I've always held onto the dream, but I never really believed it would actually happen ... but it finally has!
As of February 13th, I'm an account executive with Gragg Advertising; a small shop with a big hold on the market. I'm super excited about the challenge and opportunity. I was made to do this and I have no doubt I'm going to kick this job's ass sideways, up, down and backward! I've always felt like I wasn't living up to my potential and I'm about to find out what I'm made of, believe that!
I have bitter sweet feelings about leaving my current job. I won't miss the job itself, but I will miss the people. Thankfully, I know the one's who matter will always be in my life. I just won't have the pleasure of laughing with them every day or busting into spontaneous chair-crunk dances.
The next chapter of my life is about to begin, and I promise it will be much more action-packed and with fewer typos than the last few ... Stay tuned.
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