Sunday, June 26, 2011

More Spiftastic Randomosity...

Welcome to another mish-mash of random thoughts running through Spiffy's with photographic support!  I can't form one complete thought, so I'll spew a bunch of meaningless thoughts at you.  Ready.....GO!

This is a picture of my toilet lid.  When I bought the toilet lid cover, it fit. When I broke the toilet (nothing bawdy...the damn thing just broke), they replaced my normal lid with this miniature lid.  Now my cover doesn't fit and I refuse to buy another. I washed and dryed it today in hopes it would shrink.  Denied.

No, those aren't men's tighty-whiteys...
This is a picture of my girl, Z.  When I leave my closet door open, she finds it comforting to dig through my dirty clothes, put them into a pile, and cozy up. I was almost embarrassed to post this because it looks like my closet is a big shit-hole, but I promise, it's all Z's doing.  I love her like a fat kid loves cake!

There is nothing up my butt.  I promise.
In this picture, it looks like I have a saggy turkey neck and have lodged something up my butt.  I assure you, neither is true.  Seeing how good my hair looks in this pic, I'm reminded that it's time for a trip to see my girl Kristy.   And, that I shouldn't take weird pictures of myself and post them.


This is the chambord margi that I drank last night.  Usually something that large and in charge would have made me want to flash half of Gardner. Thankfully the ice melted, sufficiently watering down the alcohol content.  Phew...

I think I'm flipping you off in some culture. 

I painted my fingernails today. I'm channeling my inner-hooker.  Not really.    As you can tell, I painted a little outside the lines...but then again, hookers don't care.

This last thought doesn't have visual support, it's just an update on Mr. LAME.  In case I end up dead in a ditch, I thought you should all know that Mr. LAME texted me last night.  It was a very thoughtful text, "hi."  It was difficult, but I ignored his charm.

Today he texted again, "so, r we not talking?"  Those of you who know me know how much I hate text-speak.  How fucking hard is it to put an 'a' and 'e' in that sentence??  

Anyway, I thought I should go ahead and cut the cord on this one, so I very tactfully told him that I found out he had lied about his last name, no specifics and I didn't know why, but that the fact he'd lie about something so insignificant told me that 'we' wouldn't work. He responded with , "lol, I certainly did not, but that's ok. Good luck." 

Fucking liar can't even come clean when he's been busted!  Seriously!  I know you lied! I found your Facebook and old My Space page with the name that you DID NOT give me.  Whatever.  I dropped it. I don't really want to stir up this hornet's nest if you know what I mean. 


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